Registered Office Signboards

Any height – Any number of columns – In fact any size

5 company names or 500 company names – no problem – we can make & install a signboard to suit your needs. And your signboard can be easily extended as your client list grows – simply by adding columns. We can add columns indefinitely, limited only by available wall space. If you run out of horizontal space we can extend vertically by butting another signboard up underneath.

Legal requirement and penalty for non-compliance

Satisfies the Trading Disclosures regulations within the Companies Act 2006. Where a company fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply, an offence is committed by the company and every officer of the company who is in default. A person guilty of the offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 (£1000 as at December 2008) on the standard scale and, for continued contravention, a daily default fine not exceeding one tenth of level 3 on the standard scale.

Could be self-financing

As our customers are mostly firms of accountants and solicitors, they are providing a signboard facility as a service in order that their clients may comply with the law. Most of our customers therefore pass on the cost of each nameplate plus a handling charge to the relevant client. In this way the signboard is self-financing and should cost our customers nothing at all.

The marketing benefit

Visitors to your office and potential new clients will be impressed with your professionally presented client list and will feel confident that you are well established with a solid client base. Existing clients will feel valued and reassured that you are looking after their interests by ensuring that their legal obligations are being met.

Exchange & maintenance service

A signboard will normally be supplied with blank plates as well as printed ones. The blank plates provide the space for your client list as it grows. When you require a new name to go on the signboard you simply post a blank plate back to us, we put a name on & post it back to you. Obsolete nameplates can also be returned. We can clean then off and put new names on. And we don’t charge anything for cleaning off. So if you should find that your client list shrinks, you don’t have to have gaps on your signboard. Just send the redundant nameplates back to us and we will replace them with blank plates free of charge.

How many blank plates?

When we fit the nameplates we fit them in alphabetical order. We spread the blank plates out using them to divide up the alphabetical groups. So 25 blanks will give you about 1 blank between each group, 50 would give you about 2. The number of blanks is entirely up to you but we recommend that you allow for a couple of years growth. We can easily extend the signboard if you do run out of space but you don’t want to be doing that too soon after purchasing it.

How big will your signboard be?

Each nameplate is 250mm long and is on a vertical pitch of 20.5mm. Allowing 8mm for the vertical black rib and 1mm for clearance, the width of a single column is 8 + 250 + 1 + 8 = 267mm. For each extra column you add 250 + 8 + 1 = 259mm. So, for example, a two column signboard is 267 + 259 = 526mm wide. To calcuate the height simply multiply the number of nameplates in a column by 20.5mm. So a signboard with 20 in a column would be 20 x 20.5 = 410mm tall.



  • Address:

    Modular Sign Systems
    The Pastures
    Chaul End Village
    LU1 4AX

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    01582 762079


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